As ever, there is a healthy dose of chat along with our game talk. Nate’s watery menagerie is multiplying at an alarming pace because all the animals are having sex, and he is also eating a lot of #BigOats, and basically Matthew and I want to talk about detectives again. Plus: weird old school adverts, KFC, and the return of the return of the Five Nights At Freddy’s Book Club!
You can listen above, or on on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, or Pocket Casts. You can find the RSS feed here, and you can discuss the episode on our Discord channel, which has a dedicated room for podcast chat. Music is by Jack de Quidt. Please do check out our merch (also email to demand we make Oat la la shirts). Links Science Twitter drama continues: the weird catfishing saga. I can’t find the Steve Hogarty Sims DLC review but he definitely said someone at EA tried to get him fired for it. Matthew’s bad game he likes is Resident Evil 6, which is a possibly controversial start. Alice comes in strong with Murdered: Soul Suspect, a very silly detective game where u r a ghost detective. Nate offers us the gentle palette cleanser of Jurassic Park: Trespasser, a game where you have to look down at the player character’s tits to check on their health, and then blows us all away by bringing up Animal, the peperami point and click adventure from 1996. Other links of note: the KFC dating sim, and WWE’s absurd KFV ad from a few years back:
Recommendations this week are for the Tropica CO2 diffuser, the early 2000s spy TV show Alias (starring Jennifer Garner), and to learn to make a basic white sauce for cooking.