One biggo on the list is Outriders’ crashing issues and the pesky resulting crash logs that were filling up players’ installation drives. On the general side, People Can Fly say that this patch fixes a number of possible crashes throughout the game. For PC players specifically, they say they’ve “fixed an issue whereby old crash dumps were not being properly cleared from the player’s system.” Those were the 300MB files that had been stuffing hard drives previously. Also specifically for PC players, Outriders now allows a handful of extra keyboard keys to be rebound. It’s also increased the field of view range to a maxiumum of 130, up from 90. The big issue that this patch doesn’t solve is the remaining inventory wipe issue. People Can Fly dig into the specifics on why it’s been a difficult problem to solve. People Can Fly say that they wanted to get this patch out to players instead of holding it back to continue work on the inventory wipe bug. They’ll share progress on that solution as they’re able. You can find the long list of other bug fixes in their patch notes. Despite the struggles, the RPS crew seem to be of a mind that Outriders is a decent shooter. Colm and Matthew can tell you more about “the most alright video game of 2021” in that video up above. It’s not revolutionary, but they had a good time with it. We also have an Outriders review that shares a similar opinion. Outriders: it’s okay! People Can Fly have been sharing post patch updates on Twitter as well.