Jump to 4:04 in the trailer to skip past several mobile games and get straight to the Kingdom Hearts IV announcement. Then I’ll turn you over to Square Enix for the official blurb: And yes, some people believe Star Wars is involved this time. In the early scenes which skip between the city and the forest, for a few frames you can see a grey lump, which some say is the foot of an AT-ST. You know, the robot chickens that Jim Kirk and his tribble army fought on the forest moon of Endor. While this could be just some metal, I would not be at all surprised if KH4 does cross over with Star Wars. Kingdom Hearts is a collision of everything Disney, over the years busting into worlds and characters from Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, A Nightmare Before Christmas, Monsters Inc, The Lion King, Pirates Of The Caribbean, Wreck-It Ralpha, Big Hero 6, and oh so many more. It even has special attacks based on Disney theme park rides. Star Wars wouldn’t be out of place in KH4, nor would this be out of character for how Disney treat that gutter of a series. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Marvel superheroes at some point in this new storyline either. Hell, Squeenix have even borrowed from Marvel’s playbook. When KH3 wrapped a story which had run for 17 years, a post-credits teaser immediately set up this sequel. Classic Marvelling. No word on platforms or a release date for Kingdom Hearts 4. Presumably it’ll hit PlayStation first, then hopefully come to PC later, seeing as we finally got the series in 2021.

Kingdom Hearts 4 maybe crosses over with Star Wars - 6